Guadalajara - School Report Question and Answers
Do expatriate students socialize with local students at the school? Are both groups successfully integrated into the school culture?
The school is about 5% expats and the rest Mexican. Students grew up and form their friendship from preschool time. At Preschool level, the kids play with each other but by 2nd or 3rd grade, it is too late to break into the local groups. - May 2017
This really depends on your initiative. While everyone is kind, superficially, sometimes it's difficult to get any kind of commitment outside of the school day. A parent has to make a great deal of effort. - Feb 2016
Depends on the effort of the expat family. The local families at Lincoln are welcoming to new families. - Feb 2016
Expats with expats and locals with locals. Very few exceptions. - May 2014
Yes. - May 2014
Yes, but it takes some doing. - May 2014
No. - Apr 2014