Nairobi - School Report Question and Answers
Services for gifted students who need academic challenge and students with learning difficulties:
elementary school has an excellent supplemental reading support program. - Aug 2015
About gifted students, I don't know. B for those with learning difficulties. BGE is inclusive and kind and they have a learning support staff that is involved at each level. Resources are slim here, though, and we were not able to arrange occupational therapy, speech, etc. However, the school would gladly have allowed these to take place during the school day, and they welcomed my son's personal aide and worked closely with her to help my child succeed. - Jan 2015
B - There are resource specialists at both the elementary and high school level, a full-time guidance counselor, full-time general counselor and a variety of AP courses.There is less flexibility for placing advanced students in higher than grade level classes. - Dec 2011