Manila - School Report Question and Answers
How would you rate the school's support and welcome/integration of new students and their families, and why?
Most of the support I got regarding the school was through embassy kids. I was assigned a buddy by the school but it wasn't all that helpful. We did arrive right in the middle of the pandemic, so the school was probably just as confused as I was. - Sep 2021
Excellent. The school is well versed in transitions both for arriving and leaving students. They provide peer groups for new kids, invite parents to special coffees and even allow parents to ride to school on a space available basis until they have transportation. - May 2017
"A" My kids started grades 1 and 5 at ISM, and everyone there was very warm and welcoming. - Jan 2016
A - Mar 2014
B. There is plenty of communication to the parents from the school. There is a new family orientation is that helpful. They do placement testing and a meeting with the counselor (each student meets separately with the counselors, some siblings (maybe all?) have different counselors). I felt very supported at the beginning of school. A family I know wasn't able to schedule their own testings around their schedule, they had to bend to the school's schedule. - Aug 2013