Bishkek - School Report Question and Answers

Are other schools available to expatriates in this city? Why did you choose this particular school?

QSI school's fees are comparable to other international schools in the city, but the small classes and personalized attention each child gets as part of the mastery learning program make them stand out. The school is an accredited international school through MSA (Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools). It has nice facilities for children to play in, including a gym, a mini-football pitch, a renovated basketball court, and brand-new equipment in the play area for kids. There is a canteen where meals are prepared fresh for the kids in a hygienic manner that any parent can go and see (they have an open kitchen). A security firm provides high-level security, there is a trained pediatrician on campus, and teachers certified as lifeguards to take children to swimming classes. The school administration is exceptionally responsive and communicative, and they take feedback and suggestions seriously, and their events calendar is full of exciting opportunities for kids to learn beyond the four walls of the classrooms. - Nov 2022

Yes, there are several other schools with varying ratios of international to local students. QSI keeps their ratio around 60% international to 40% local. The other main international school (BIS) is more 50-50, but many of the students they say are international are also native Russian speakers, leading to less of an English language education and a lot of exclusion for students who don't speak Russian. We chose QSI because it has a full-day option for preschool students at a much more reasonable tuition price than other schools. It's roughly half the price the other school for a very high quality education. The school has a wonderful preschool teacher from the USA that my child is totally in love with. The teacher has created a warm, consistent, and positive classroom environment, and my child is sad on weekends when it's not a school day. The curriculum for the preschool is comprehensive and will have my child well prepared for kindergarten - knowing letters, sounds, counting, and solid foundational school readiness skills. - Sep 2022

We homeschooled because we couldn't afford the tuition at any of the international schools in Bishkek. - May 2014

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