Kathmandu - School Report Question and Answers

Describe the physical education resources at the school. Is there a gym? A swimming pool? Are there playing fields or tennis courts available?

A LS opened a new heated pool this year allowing for a year-round aquatic program for all grades. Students interested in swimming were able to do so the entire year! The school competes in a number of sports locally and regionally to include basketball, volleyball, badmitten, tennis, track, soccer, and swimming. LS has won several championships and competes well against the much larger school despite the small size. The coaches, teachers, and athletic director encourage all students to participate. Additionally, team work and sportsmanship rank high on the agenda. Student athletes support one another and encourage each other to do their best. It's heartwarming to see in action. - May 2016

A--this is the school's strong point, to the detriment of art/music/drama/foreign language - Apr 2016

Great -- LS is a SAISA school, has a nice American standard gymnasium and a rooftop facility with play equipment for younger elementary school kids. The school is planning to put in a 20m, six lane SAISA standard swimming pool over the next several months, and shortly upgrade the playing field to artificial turf and the basketball court to a multi-sport surface area. The school generally does very well in the SAISA tournaments, especially considering its size compared to other schools in the league. - May 2014

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