Riyadh - School Report Question and Answers

Is the amount and type of homework generally appropriate for the age and grade of the students?

Yes. We give my son extra homework when he gets home just so he can get used to doing a little more. - Feb 2022

Yes, very little in kindergarten and 1st grade. Not too much in 3rd grade either. My child in 6th grade has a good amount but the British system has taught him a lot of independence and time-management so he does well with the amount they are given. - Apr 2019

There is no homework until HS. - Jul 2018

Absolutely not. The school says they don't assign homework in the elementary and will proudly cite one non-US study which showed that homework was counterproductive as evidence. In the middle school, homework is assigned, but does not necessarily correspond to what they are learing/doing in class (example: 6th grader required to do 10 minutes of one digit addition/subtraction fact fluency a night). - Mar 2017

No, it is too easy and it is mostly online. - Oct 2015

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