New Delhi - School Report Question and Answers

How would you rate the school's support and welcome/integration of new students and their families, and why?

The PSA is quite good at welcoming new parents, and there's a very good student-run orientation for new kids. However, they use a lot of acronyms which can be confusing for new parents and on the whole, admin seem to think people have been there for years and they don't explain things very clearly. They just expect you know where/what things are. - Dec 2019

The PSA is very proactive and welcoming of new and returning families, they host a lot of activities to promote community cohesiveness and set a positive tone for family involvement. The Tiger's Den is a hub of activity open to parents and older students. Some parents are there all day, every day... - Oct 2018

Good.Pro-active PSA, welcome coffee events.HS counselors were uneven for us, "checked out". A: Great 9th grade counselor, helped ease transition.Need to speak up to get attention for learning disabilities.School caters to high achievers. - May 2011

B+This is a strength of AES.The school hosts welcome coffees and does a lot to help new students adjust. - Jan 2011

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