New Delhi - School Report Question and Answers
Please tell us anything else you think prospective parents and students should know about this school. Thanks for your contribution!
It's not the best school we've ever attended, but certainly not the worst. The school has been proactive in mitigating the air pollution inside the school, and they do their best to manage it. They are in the process of hiring a new Director, who will hopefully change a few things that need tweaking at this school, to make it deserve the reputation it has worldwide. - Dec 2019
New Delhi is a challenging yet fascinating city, India is culturally rich and AES is a good school. I do think there are many people (families and staff) who have been here "forever", so some of the vibrancy and cultural diversity often seen at international schools is missing. We are happy with our choice to come to India and AES and the experience is "good enough". - Oct 2018