Kampala - School Report Question and Answers
Aside from school fees, are there required expenses such as uniforms, laptops/tablets, musical instruments, or field trips that parents are expected to cover? What are the approximate costs?
There are no additional fees I'm aware of except for uniforms if children join a sports team. - Sep 2020
Uniforms, musical instrument rental, field trips + visas on occasion. I don't recall all of the prices but most recently we needed to come up with US$800, not Ugandan shillings, about 1 week notice for a trip. They said they sent an email when I told them we were out of country with little to no internet and that email never arrived. - Nov 2019
No fees other than standard term fees. Website has costs. - Sep 2018
- no uniforms, except for sports/PE kit - students in senior school (6th grade and up) are required to have a Mac Book laptop - you can either purchase your own or lease one from school - musical instruments are available, yet personal instruments can be brought in as well -field trips within Kampala are free; field trips (senior school only) outside of Kampala have a reasonable fee, and provide quality services (transportation, lodging, food, etc.) - international sports events in the east/southern Africa region are relatively expensive (airfare, sports kits, team & individual participation fees). - Jun 2018
Optional lunch One-time registration fee - Aug 2015