Kampala - School Report Question and Answers
Are there are any problems with exclusionary behavior, cliques, or bullying at this school? Please describe any problems your children may have experienced in this area.
There are cliques but they aren't exclusionary and my son has witnessed nothing he would call bullying. - Nov 2019
Not that I've seen or know of. - Sep 2018
Unfortunately there are always (at any school) cases of bullying - however the school does well addressing these issues directly with the students, get counselors involved and has sessions with parents as well to address issues as they arise. The end of school year middle school arts festival is themed "Inclusion, Community & Acts of Kindness" and the 7th grade visual arts students focused their work on the development of 'anti-bullying' posters, which was a great and hands-on way to involved students directly to think about this important issue. Different from other international schools our children have attended in the past in other countries where they experienced lots of bullying, they have not had this negative experience at ISU. - Jun 2018
No - Aug 2015
Not at all. - Jun 2013