Yaounde - School Report Question and Answers
How is the overall communication between teachers and parents, and the administration and parents? How is communication facilitated?
Terrible. Little or no relevant communication. I find that the PTO is a waste of time because parents have no say or room to speak and even when they do, the administration does not want to listen. In fact, I find the administration very difficult for anyone to work and interact with. - Jan 2025
Terrible. Again, there’s zero effort to meet parents or communicate with us. If there is communication, in our experience, it is often last minute, through WhatsApp, or dismissive. It also appears that the school board has no power over administrators. Complaints from parents never make it to the board. In my experience, the administration prefers to leave everyone in the dark and primarily defends abusive behaviors children complain about. - Oct 2023
Official communication is by email or via Managebac. Parents can also come to school after booking an appointment with teachers. Some communication can also be shared via class/grade level WhatsApp groups. - Feb 2023