Colombo - School Report Question and Answers

Are there are any problems with exclusionary behavior, cliques, or bullying at this school? Please describe any problems your children may have experienced in this area.

Yes. The school talks a lot about inclusion but this was not our experience and in 1-1 conversations with administration, teachers, and counselors they all acknowledge the severity of some cliques and and a lack of inclusivity. Two of my 3 children, experienced bullying and/or social isolation. The school expressed support and concern but did not appear to implement change. I was told the team would meet to discuss my concerns, but there was no follow-up. My oldest child was left sitting at a table by themselves while 8 of the same gender students crowded around a table meant for 4. After the meeting, my child said 2 teachers tried to implement assigned seats. In one class, the kids refused to move and the teacher gave up and taught the lesson. In the other, the kids moved but returned to their previous seats the next class and the teacher said nothing. My children left after a year and required counseling to address their experiences during which I learned some of the harmful things they were told by their peers. - Jan 2024

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