Mumbai - School Report Question and Answers
What fine arts electives are available (music, drama, visual arts)?
K-5 gets music/art during the school day. There are also ASAs that have art, music and theatre focuses. These are available for 6-12 but I'm not sure how they are integrated. - Sep 2021
Excellent Art, Music and drama programme. - Jan 2019
Excellent music and drama departments. ASB has a black box theatre, its own sound/recording studio - May 2017
Art, choir, musical drama, and theater productions. They pride themselves in their IT department. - Dec 2014
B: Visual arts has 3 courses: visual art elective, art history, and IB visual arts. Drama courses: Drama, IB Theatre. Music: Choir, Concert Band, Wind ensemble, IB music (Jazz band meets after school throughout the year). - Feb 2014
B (no music, but lots of art, dance, etc, activities) - May 2011