Pristina - School Report Question and Answers
Do expatriate students socialize with local students at the school? Are both groups successfully integrated into the school culture?
Yes. - Jan 2020
My child: yes. In general, people in Kosovo are in general very liberal thinking, and very pro-American. - Dec 2019
Yes, depending on lifestyle of parents. - Feb 2016
Yes - Feb 2016
I don't know about others but my child has two local best friends whom he meets outside of school. There aren't enough expats in this school to be able to form a clique (which is a positive in my eyes). My son is the only expat in his class. - Apr 2014
My kids do - we have play dates and there are a lot of birthday parties. Be aware that usually, the entire class plus sometimes siblings are invited to birthdays -- there is very little to do in Pristina, so we like partying! - Mar 2014
No - Mar 2014
Yes - Nov 2012
YES - Oct 2012