Astana - School Report Question and Answers

Services for gifted students who need academic challenge and students with learning difficulties:

C None, sadly. Though, I think they do as best they can. Students who seem to excel in math will move up to the next grade level's math course while their class' math is in session. I have an IEP for one of my children and the academic director took it to my daughter's teacher and gave her ideas on things she could do with my child (since it was the academic director's former area of expertise) but sadly, with her duties, she doesn't have time to do much more than she did. My child is getting outside services via the internet. There is a girl with Down's Syndrome and a boy with Autism who have special helpers with them all day but I think their families or other agencies hired them but am unsure. They attend class with the other students. I love that my children are able to associate with them and have them as classmates. It has been a learning opportunity for all. - Jul 2015

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