Mexico City - School Report Question and Answers
What fine arts electives are available (music, drama, visual arts)?
Music, art, and elementary have a great drama teacher at Carpatos but at Santa Fe it is lacking. High school is not a good program for any, in my opinion. - Oct 2020
A - May 2016
A- There is orchestra for primary and secondary as well as private (free ) lessons offered one day a week during school hours (kids rotate out of a different class every week so they are not missing their major subjects. ). There is also group music instruction in violin, etc for a club after school. Drama and music theater are also on offer. My kids have participated in all of these. - Jan 2016
F - There is a weekly music class however it includes no instrument instruction. There is after-school though, in band. - Jun 2014
A - Many extra-curricular activities, sometimes proposed at lunch time so that the kid doesn't need to leave school too late. Very cheap. Some classes almost private: 2 to 20 students. - Jul 2011