Mexico City - School Report Question and Answers
What is the approximate teacher-to-student ratio in the grades that your child attended?
Sadly in the campus at Carpatos, it is 20 to 1. However, the classrooms seem to be the size of a small bedroom. The students do not fit and are all smushed together in one room. Santa Fe rooms are much better fit. - Oct 2020
C - May 2016
B-. It's not as good as we'd like as most classes in Primary have like 25 kids to one teacher and an Aid that circulates the 4 classes. (There are 4 classes per grade level.) Secondary has fewer students; they rotate to their Spanish class or electives and there are around 15-20 kids. But the kids never complain and we've not found it an issue. - Jan 2016
F - Very high. The facilities are small and cramped inside the classrooms. The physical size of the classrooms can not accommodate the 26:1 ratio in my child's class. For a private school, these are high numbers. I expected a smaller teacher to student ratio. Let's face it though, this is a money making institution, lining the owner's pockets. - Jun 2014
In 8th and 10th grades about 25 students per class. - Jul 2011