Bogota - School Report Question and Answers
Do expatriate students socialize with local students at the school? Are both groups successfully integrated into the school culture?
The local Colombians will not socialize with the American or foreign kids. It is incredibly isolating. - Mar 2015
My son has a small, international (including Colombian) group of friends. Generally speaking, as a parent I am wary of the social scene here in Bogota as there is often a lot of alcohol involved. However, I count myself lucky as my son has a small, close group of friends and they are always at our house or another parent's house who we know well. - Feb 2015
Yes - our child had multinational playdates, birthday parties, sleepovers, etc. He still considers a CGB friend to be his "best" friend. - Jan 2015
The Colombian kids do not mix with the American kids. The American kids, regardless of social skills or past experiences, will not succeed socially in this environment. It will not happen. Almost every American kid I talked to over a two-year period was extremely unhappy and a number of them had to seek outside counseling to cope. - Aug 2014
Yes, with limits (see below). - May 2012
Yes. - Sep 2010