Bogota - School Report Question and Answers
Are there academic requirements such as trips or other activities that cost money in addition to school fees?
Only the degree program tests (IGCSE and IB) and the class trip. - Feb 2015
Yes. Starting the second grade, the students have the opportunity to go away for overnight trips, which start with one night away and go up from there. Those trips cost money (and some of the fees, particularly for the longer trips in high school, are very costly). Additionally, some of the co-curriculars cost money if supplies or outside staff are required to teach the course. All extra costs are always presented well in advance so you have time to consider options, get the money together, etc. - Jan 2015
Yes, each yearly class trip (considered part of the curriculum) has a cost, AP courses cost extra (despite the College Board insisting that there should be no additional expense to the school offering an AP course). - May 2012
Yes, lots of them. - Sep 2010