Cairo - School Report Question and Answers
Do expatriate students socialize with local students at the school? Are both groups successfully integrated into the school culture?
Yes, her K class was a good mix of kids--lots of Americans, but also Egyptians and Koreans (not sure of other nationalities). Several of her best friends were Egyptian. They highlighted Egyptian culture in several programs and I think she learned a lot about the culture and people. I was in the PTO and it was a mix of cultures--American, Egyptian, Hispanic, and other countries. - Feb 2020
There is a big divide, for sure. Some of my children's friends are locals, but very, very few. It's usually the local boys who will whisper in Arabic and laugh at my children. - Feb 2017
Yes - Jan 2011
Yes. For older kids, there is some degree of expats hanging out with expats because they tend to live close to school and they can walk to each other's houses, where many local students live farther away. But they all seem to get along well and do sometimes hang out all together. At elementary level, its kind of the same thing, but it's the parents who don't want to drive far out of the way. - Jun 2010