Vienna - School Report Question and Answers
How would you rate the school's support and welcome/integration of new students and their families, and why?
The welcome was good, with orientation for new families. It would have been better if they had allowed some discussion of course registration before the first day of school, as we were told some of the electives were full. We later learned that they let other kids whose parents were more persistent into electives we were told were closed. - Sep 2020
The Welcome BBQ and Orientation included tours and the opportunity to meet both new and returning families. In addition, the PTF Newcomer's Meeting offered the opportunity to further connect with the school and its activities. - Apr 2019
Terrific. They have a buddy system that pairs you up with kids in the same grades. Everyone is very welcoming especially members of the PTA. - Jan 2019
The parents take care of the welcoming committee events and do a great job. - Oct 2018
It's fine. Fairly standard as international schools go. - Jun 2018
B - Jun 2011