Ulaanbaatar - School Report Question and Answers
Administration-parent communication:
Egregiously bad. In our experience, the administration does not welcome feedback and is very defensive. The school also appears to focus on abstract concepts like curriculum provision or facility administration rather than on the students. Some of the higher administrators were invisible and inaccessible to us. On one instance during the semester when we asked to see the Director on an important matter, we were told he had taken a week's leave to compensate for all the time working with contractors in the summer on new facilities! I've never seen a school before where staff take leave during the semester. Administrators are frequently abroad on training courses, and we found access was really a big problem. Regardless of the level, staff were highly defensive when it came to discussing any feedback they saw negative. When a difficult situation arose between a 7-year-old girl and her teacher, the whole class sent a delegation to complain, the response again was a brick wall with no admission of wrongdoing or assurances that deficiencies would be corrected. - Jun 2015
C - Sep 2011