Belgrade - School Report Question and Answers
Aside from school fees, are there required expenses such as uniforms, laptops/tablets, musical instruments, or field trips that parents are expected to cover? What are the approximate costs?
Yes. Before you even enter the grounds, you have to start paying for pretty much everything. It is an expensive, very expensive school. - Dec 2018
"Hidden Costs" would include the school lunches - you sign up for the next month's lunches online. You receive a special access code/pin. You can cancel lunches if needed and receive a credit towards the future month. In 7th grade we had to purchase a scientific calculator, but were notified by the teacher prior to the start of the new school year, allowing everyone plenty of time to purchase it. There are no uniforms at this school. Beginning School year 2017, the upper school students will be required to bring their own laptop, switching from a loaner laptop program that is currently in place. If your child is involved in sports, there could be travel costs involved for tournaments, but often you are given flight options so that everyone involved can vote on the costs of these trips. - Mar 2016
Required laptops. - Feb 2016