Jerusalem - School Report Question and Answers
Homework assigned (quality, quantity):
A - Mar 2015
C - Mar 2015
It is easier to explain by sharing what we have in our family handbook. Here is what it says: At the elementary school level, the nature of the subject matter, age and/or academic maturity of the child and interpretation of the curriculum dictate specific homework expectations by the classroom teacher. Parents are informed of the teacher's specific homework policies at the beginning of each year. However, the following general school policies are as follows: Basic daily homework assignments reflect the day's studies either as practice/drill exercises or the completion of work begun in class. At the lower elementary grades it may be simply to read a list of new words or tell a story to parents. At the upper elementary grades the homework expectations become progressively more demanding. Recognition is given to the normal differences in time needed by individual students to complete particular assignments. Long-term homework assignments such as research papers or special projects will be accompanied by a written explanation to the students and parents outlining the assignment expectations. A special homework notebook is recommended for all students. The notebook should be used to record assignments and as a tool in the process of learning how to be an organized, responsible and independent learner. No specific number of homework hours or minutes can be required of each student, each day. The individualized methods of elementary school instruction do not lend themselves to such rigid expectations; however, homework is an important part of the learning process at JAIS and students will be required to complete tasks at home regularly. In the Secondary School, homework expectations become more demanding. Parents and students will be informed of teachers' specific homework policies at the beginning of the school year. However, some general school policies are as follows: Recognition is given to the normal differences in time needed by individual students to complete particular assignments. Long-term homework assignments, such as research papers or special projects, will be accompanied by a written explanation to the students and parents outlining the assignment expectations. Students who are absent are expected to call a classmate for assignments or check the posting on the class Moodle site where homework is posted. No specific amount of homework is required of each student each day. The individualized methods of instruction do not lend themselves to such rigid expectations; however, homework is an important part of the learning process at JAIS and students wi - Mar 2015
The school has a standard view -- 10 minutes per grade. So a 4th grader should have 40 min of homework. If it takes longer to do that, the teachers are willing to alter the homework to fit the child's individual needs. - Sep 2014