Jakarta - School Report Question and Answers

Do expatriate students socialize with local students at the school? Are both groups successfully integrated into the school culture?

Yes - but a lot of kids still will hang out with kids from their native country (eg. Koreans will generally hang out with Koreans etc. - I think it's easier with a common language). - Dec 2021

They do socialize outside of class, but traffic in the city can make that hard. They do have a nice amount of time to socialize at school, and my kids feel like they have a lot of time with their friends. - Aug 2015

Yes - Jan 2013

Not enough.There is little school spirit and students are not encouraged to attend varsity or JV games.Dances are a joke.They begin at 6 and end at 8 pm! There is not enough involvement on the part of the school in evening activities for teens. - Aug 2010

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