Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any unusual problems with insects or other infestations in housing?

Roaches and ants - Jun 2024

Typical Caribbean roaches and mosquitos. - Sep 2023

Any tropical bug will visit your home at some point or another. - Oct 2021

Mosquitos, roaches, everything tropical. - Feb 2021

It’s the tropics; come prepared to deal with roaches, mosquitos, and small lizards, and you’ll be fine. - Jan 2021

Insects are everywhere. - Jul 2019

All of them, as you are on a tropical island. - Jan 2019

. - Nov 2016

well, just about any flying creature you can imagine. You'll get fewer mosquitoes if you live on the 6th floor or higher. I know someone who requested a higher floor apartment for that reason. - Apr 2016

Mosquitoes. Several people I know have contracted dengue and it is pretty awful. Now Zika might be in the country. Bring repellent and mosquito nets, and use them. - Jan 2016

Ants, roaches and mosquitoes. We knew too many people with dengue fever which can be very serious. Rats in the streets due to the large piles of trash everywhere. - Jan 2016

Roaches and ants. I was able to fix the ant problem but the roaches never 100% go away...especially when it rains. - Aug 2015

All of them! It's tropical, so roaches, lizards, ants, geckos, etc. - Aug 2015

Mosquitos and ants. - Aug 2014

Mosquitoes during rainy season, but not too bad. - Jul 2013

Mosquitoes. - Apr 2013

Mosquitoes, ants, and sandflies. Small ants are a large problem in the home. We keep all of our food in the refrigerator to prevent ants from getting into it. - Apr 2013

Mosquitoes, ants, roaches, etc. - Jan 2013

Lots of flying adversaries, especially in the summertime. - Jun 2012

Malaria. - Jun 2012

Mosquitoes and dengue are a risk, especially in the city. Malaria can still be found out in the country. Cockroaches can be a problem in the rainy season (they're big, too). - Mar 2012

Mosquitoes, they are worse in the summertime. - Feb 2012

Yes there is dengue but is not bad. - Feb 2012

Mosquitoes, Ants - Oct 2011

Dengue is a problem here. Mosquitoes are everywhere and it's hard to prevent them from getting inside (windows and doors in our house have huge gaps--houses are designed without air conditioning in mind). There are also a lot of ants inside and outside. - Jun 2011

Mosquitoes carry dengue fever in the city, sand flies (but not all year round), of course cockroaches exist but nothing a little borax can't handle to make them disappear - May 2011

mosquitoes - Nov 2010

Since the island never cools off, insects never die. Ants are a constant problem, as are mosquitoes. While I would not suggest that someone brings their bug nets, a good insect repellant is critical. - Aug 2010

The mosquito problem is huge....there is no escaping them. Bring lots of deet. We also have lots of moths that we can't seem to get rid of (in our home). - Jun 2010

Mosquitoes and cockroaches. - May 2009

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