Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?

Yes, people of color are targeted. - Jun 2024

Yes. - Sep 2023

The historical conflicts between Haiti and the Dominican Republic have generated deep dislike and mistrust of Haitians. This is often expanded to people who look like they could be Haitian, including low-income Afro-Dominicans. - Jan 2021

No religious prejudices. There seems to be racism towards Haitians. Machismo/gender violence seems to be a big issue in Dominican society. - Jan 2019

No religious discrimination or conflicts; machismo / gender violence is an issue in Dominican society, but does not directly affect treatment of expats. - Nov 2016

Not toward US/Europeans of any race/color, but Dominicans obviously have an issue with Haitians. - Apr 2016

Prejudice against Haitian immigrants who come to the country for work opportunities. Freedom of religion exists, not really any issues there. As far as gender prejudices, this is a male-dominated society and machismo certainly is a thing, but many women work and it doesn't seem to be a major issue. - Jan 2016

There are mainly prejudices against the Haitians and lower class Dominicans. - Jan 2016

Against the Haitians. - Aug 2015

Yes, but it is very nuanced. - Aug 2015

Dominicans have issues with Haitians due to their history as a shared island nation. For the most part, they are tolerant of all others. - Aug 2014

There is some prejudice against Haitians. - Apr 2013

Dominicans discriminate against Haitians and blacks. There is also some gender bias. - Apr 2013

There are racial prejudices and women will get whistles/comments while walking etc. - Jan 2013

That might depend on your attitude. Dominicans aren't exactly "progressive," but they are nice people. - Jun 2012

African-Americans occasionally faced problems getting into clubs. - Jun 2012

Haitians are actively discriminated against, and therefore some very dark-skinned Afro-Americans may experience this. Asians (especially the Chinese) do not have the best reputation here either. Women can be objectified by Latin men, but this is no different from anywhere else in Latin America. Just about every religion exists here in the D.R., but Christianity and Roman Catholicism especially are the norm. - Mar 2012

This is a racially mixed country with many different shades of skin color and a general acceptance of varying races. With that said, there is some prejudice here against Haitians and very dark skinned folks are often assumed to be Haitian. - Feb 2012

lot of machismo, lot of cruelty and exploration towards haitians and animals, no religiosity people is not religious here. - Feb 2012

Yes, cat-calling to females. They don't like Haitians. - Oct 2011

Yes, there is a huge issue with Haitians in the DR. You will hear a lot of rhetoric about Haitians crossing the border to give birth, stealing jobs, living illegally, etc. This is also a very male-dominated society. Men frequently father many children with many different women, it's considered not only acceptable, but the norm. You don't see many women in powerful positions in the government or the private sector. - Jun 2011

Absolutely. To be black, brown, or anything other than white-looking or light-skinned is negative. Dominicans (in general but not all) have a problem with Hatians and anyone that looks Hatian (which includes almost half of their population).Females are taught that their bodies and faces are most important and sexuality should be flaunted - even from a very young age. - May 2011

domincans are very racist toward dark colored people like haitians and dark skinned indivduals.more importantly, they are classist, the rich keep the poor down and dont interact with them at all.unfortunately, 90% of the country is poor, so its hard to find your niche - Nov 2010

In general people with darker completions are discriminated against. Also the D.R. is also a male-oriented society. - Aug 2010

Yes, if you are African American be prepared to experience Jim Crow. - May 2009

There aren't any religious prejudices--this place has tons of religions, and Dominicans might choose more than one if it'll get them things like a job or a better school for their kids. Wealthy Dominicans tend to be white, poor Haitians tend to be black, so the lighter one is the higher the status, the darker, the less. All that really doesn't effect an ex-pat much, unless you look middle-eastern. Then they'll call you Al-Quida, but in a good-natured way. - Nov 2008

Race and gender. The darker your skin the more potential for prejudice as a number of Dominicans tend to be prejudiced against the Haitians that usually are darker skinned. This has trickled down into some of the Dominican children"s attitudes seen in the socialization of kids at school (i.e. at Carol Morgan School among some of the darker-skinned expats).As far as gender goes--machismo exists here. If you"re a female, expect to be stared at like a piece of meat if you venture to walk outside, and if you're driving in a car don't be surprised if a boy young enough to be your son or old enough to be your father or grandfather makes passes at you. And, don"t think that just because you have a man with you that this will not happen. - Oct 2008

Some racial prejudice against dark skinned persons owing to complex socio-economic, cultural, and historical factors, particularly in relation to Haiti and Haitians. - Aug 2008

African-Americans face some problems. - Aug 2008

Classism is noteworthy and racial discrimination is obvious -- Embassy has placed 2 nightclubs off-limits for refusing to serve Embassy personnel. - Jun 2008

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