Kuala Lumpur - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?
Yes, mild problems mostly between local races (Malay, Chinese, Indian) - May 2022
Yep. Yep. It's a Muslim country. I do not think expats face any prejudice, though. - Aug 2018
Malaysia has preferences for the majority group (Muslim Malaysians). This tends to be for employment, getting into colleges, costs of housing etc. The Chinese and Indian Malaysian populations seem to accept this, at least on the surface. - Apr 2017
Yes. Malaysian society is quite striated, with the Bumiputera (Muslim Malay) population at the top of the heap by legal mandate, and sizable Chinese and Indian populations that are prevented from rising within the hierarchy beyond a certain point. For most expats this won't be a huge issue, although ethnically Chinese or Indian expats may face some prejudices from the local population. Christianity is well tolerated here, there are large churches that openly hold services, but as in any Muslim country proselytizing is illegal. - May 2016
Yes, there are prejudices, mostly against people of Indian descent. When trying to report her bag being stolen, a colleague told the police the perpetrator was Malay. He replied, "you must mean Indian," and would not accept her description of the thief. - Feb 2015
This is a multi racial society so be ready to hear some racial jokes! Most of the time they don't even realise they are being racial and it's taken in the right spirit most of the time. - Aug 2013
It would be nice to say that religious tolerance is the norm. But shuttle policies and by the dominant religious group can make things difficult or limit evangelical ministry. - Aug 2011
There are some tensions between local Malays and local Chinese, and you'll hear about the odd Islamic radical from time to time, but overall, Malaysians are very hospitable and welcoming to foreigners. - Mar 2011
It depends on which of the three ethnic groups you are dealing with. Foreigners don't have too many problems but there is a lot of internal racial tension at times. - May 2009
The Bumiputra affirmative action policies can start to get on you even though it doesn't really impact expats directly. I would say that the racial tension is subtle but it rears its ugly head every once in a while. - Mar 2009
There are all sorts or racial and religious problems. Think Apartheid-lite and you have Malaysia. Things are set to protect the Majority Malays at the expense of the Chinese, Indians, and other ethnicities. Muslims indoctrinated not to consider other religions equal or to mingl. Headscarfs are more a political than a religious statement. Foreign workers are mistreated and police detained two foreign diplomats last year, after they showed their diplomatic credentials, because they were from countries that provide cheap labor here. - Jul 2008
There ARE relegious police here although they have learned to stay away from foreigners. Occassionally they can try to see a marriage certificate. - May 2008