Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

Is high-speed home Internet access available? How long does it typically take to install it after arrival?

Yes. The Consulate typically recommends using Vivo. We had internet set up within a few days of arriving. It's reasonably fast and reliable and affordable. Power outages are usually the main reason for losing internet. - Jun 2024

Yes. Reliable. Usually installation can occur within a week. - May 2021

Yes. Equivalent to the U.S. Installation usually occurs within a week. - Apr 2021

Internet can take up to 2 months to be installed. Some people can get it done in a week. it's a HUGE headache. Speed is fast, price is comparable to the US. - Aug 2019

High-speed internet is available and good when it is connected (sometimes lacking if you are trying to watch TV or have more than one family member trying to use it). However, the frequent power outages that torment Sao Paulo will leave you without quite frequently. - Nov 2017

Yes. The Consulate helps with installation now. It's frequently installed in a week or two. I hear it varies based on the season. - Apr 2017

Yes, but it is a nightmare to get it set up. You need to have a government-issued identification number, which takes months unless you know someone already here who is willing to set it up in their name. But even if they do that, then you should also be aware that it is super difficult to transfer the account to your name when you finally get your identification number. - Apr 2017

Yes, however, it is really difficult to get installed. Took me 6 months! Some people have been successful getting it in a few weeks. It's about $60 a month. - Jan 2017

Yes. The installation can be hectic, but once installed, high-speed internet is readily available. - Jan 2017

Yes. We have good high-speed Internet. Cheaper than in the United States. I think it's 75 reais per month, or about US$25 monthly. Our cell phone plans here are about U$S80 to 100 for two phones. Again, when the real is better than 3 to 1, the prices in Sao Paulo become very affordable. - Aug 2015

Yes, about US$75/month for a TV/Phone/Internet package. - Aug 2013

Yes. Yes, we have 10MB internet through NET. The service was reliable. However, I have heard that many people have had issues. The cost is approximately $80 USD for 10MB internet. We opted to have this level of internet in order to use Skype to call family and friends. Video conferencing is very clear with this level of internet. Many people also use Vonage. - Dec 2012

Yes, NET provides internet, cable, phone but is very expensive. High speed internet (alone without cable, phone) costs about US$100 per month (and often goes out). - Jan 2012

see above - Jan 2012

Yes. Cost is about $75/month. - Jan 2012

Yes. I pay about US$40 a month. - Oct 2008

Yes. US$100 for 4mps.$80 or so for 2mps. Expect the price to go up as the dollar weakens (this is calculated at R$1.5=US$1). I think Telefonica (speedy) is more reliable than Net. If you use telefonica, buy your own DSL modem ( you're going to do cable TV, though, you should consider NET. - Aug 2008

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