Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

Was this post your first expatriate experience? If not, what other cities have you lived in as an expat?

No, many others, mostly in Europe. - Jun 2024

No. I have also served in Berlin, Port-au-Prince, and Tokyo. - May 2021

No. I have also lived in Madrid and Mumbai. - Apr 2021

Fourth time living abroad, second tour with DOS (Department of State). - Aug 2019

Yes, it was my first. - Nov 2017

No - lived in a number of cities in South America and Asia. I've also traveled pretty widely. - Apr 2017

No, my fourth after other assignments in Europe, South America and Asia. - Apr 2017

Yes. First post. - Jan 2017

No, I have more than ten years of overseas experience.

Previous cities include: Baghdad, Kathmandu, Dar es Salaam (garden spots) - Jan 2017

Yes, first time living abroad. - Aug 2015

First assignment with the Foreign Service, - Aug 2013

This is our second expat experience. We lived in Toronto/Canada previously. - Jan 2012

no, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Panama City - Jan 2012

No. Nurnberg, Frankfurt, and Seoul. - Jan 2012

Florence, Italy. - Oct 2008

No. Seoul (two years) and Rio (one year). - Aug 2008

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