Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?

Air quality, as in most giant cities, isn't the best. It's also a very noisy city, which can cause issues with sleeping. But medical care is widely available and reasonably affordable, and the Consulate Health Unit is great as well. Pharmacies seem to exist on every other block. - Jun 2024

The dip community uses two different private hospitals for anything the HU can't assist with. They are good quality and it is relatively easy to find someone that speaks English to assist with difficult info. I can't speak to evac protocols as I am unaware. - May 2021

High quality local medical care in the private system. Truly top of the line physicians and care. Many people have babies here. However, local providers don't usually speak a ton of English, so Portuguese is essential. - Apr 2021

Excellent healthcare here, and the best hospital in South America! Health concerns: respiratory issues are rampant, though med and management don't seem to believe staff concerns. - Aug 2019

When we left Sao Paulo, Zika was the big health concern, but I feel it was overblown by the American media. We found medical care to be excellent. Most places have at least one doctor that speaks a little bit of English, which helps those that are not fluent in Portuguese. Be prepared to have to go to the lab to get scans for everything! The thoroughness of Brazilian doctors is a running joke with the expats, but appreciated at the same time. Medical care is much more affordable than the U.S. - Nov 2017

Dengue and Zika. Private hospitals here are amazing - some of the best in the world - check out Einstein. - Jan 2017

Affordable and modern health care is available within Brazil. - Jan 2017

If you can pay for it, Sao Paulo has some of the best health care in the world. Excellent doctors and dentists, top-notch hospitals. Many of the doctors speak English. No worries here. - Aug 2015

Medical care is amazing. Albert Einstein Hospital is here and is one of the best hospitals in South America (if not the best). - Aug 2013

Healthcare here is top notch. I knew many expat women who were pregnant while we were in Sao Paulo, and not one went back to the US to deliver their baby, myself included. The go-to hospital for the US Consulate is Albert Einstein. However, there are many other quality hospitals you can choose from. The quality of medical procedures/technology is on par with US healthcare. The time you spend with your doctor is usually 15 minutes to an hour. Private doctors have the time to listen and get to know their patients, unlike in the US. - Dec 2012

Medical care is fabulous. Albert Einstein Hospital has been ranked as the best in this part of the world. Most physicians speak English as they have studied abroad and freely hand out private cell phone numbers to call in case of emergencies (and they actually answer the phone too). Expat women typically have their babies here. - Jan 2012

Excellent medical care. - Jan 2012

Superb health and dental care, but very expensive. The doctors don't take foreign insurances, so you have to pay up front, typically $275 - $325 per visit. Einstein hospital is EXCELLENT. Dentists are cheaper than in the US, but no foreign insurance is accepted. - Jan 2012

Hospital Albert Einstein is where most people go. Health care is expensive but dental is cheap. It's a weird combo. You can spend US$400 for a visit to the doctor for a check-up and then US$30 for your teeth cleaning. - Oct 2008

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