Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Expat community in my building is the majority of people residing there. Morale is good to very content. - Jul 2024

Huge. Morale is pretty good overall. - Jul 2024

The expat community is large, and morale is pretty good. - Jun 2024

Quite large and mostly anglophone. Morale varies as daily life can be trying. - Jun 2024

400k Americans live in the Philippines. Those with children will have a very easy time making friends outside the embassy because of all the school activities. - Apr 2024

Rather large and diffuse. It can be time-consuming to go from one area of town to another, so you may find yourself sticking often to your part of town. Morale was so-so while I was there, but improving thanks to the lifting of pandemic restrictions. - Mar 2023

Very large and very good. Many people, mostly men, come here to retire. - May 2022

This is a large expat community in terms of diplomats from all countries, private industry, etc. Expats right now are extremely fatigued of the government restrictions. Many are leaving the country. - Apr 2021

It's large. I'd say morale before COVID-19 was pretty good. Morale plummeted with COVID-19, as Manila endured the world's longest lockdown and people were trapped in their high-rise apartments for months on end. But by the time anyone is reading this, restrictions will likely have been lifted. - Oct 2020

Lots of expats!!!!! - Feb 2020

From what I understand this is a really large expat community. Morale is good, the frustration at local quirks (mostly traffic) seems to go in waves and everyone understands but it doesn't hit everyone at the same time. - May 2018

The overall expat community is massive. The US embassy is large, by itself, and several other countries have a good-sized presence here. The Asian Development Bank is also headquartered here, and there are many multinational offices in Makati/BGC. Morale is generally good among expats, although frustrations over traffic/infrastructure can wear on anyone over time. - Feb 2017

Huge, particularly Americans. Morale is high. - Jul 2016

Large, I think the morale for families is high. They usually live in the nice villages and have good schools. Bit lower for singles and spouses on the compound as it can be very secluded. - Jan 2016

Large but segregated. Morale is decent, although the traffic and daily frustrations put a damper on morale. - Jan 2016

- Jan 2016

Huge expat community all over the place. Mostly former military. - Sep 2015

The expat community is large and morale is high. - Aug 2015

Inclusive, it would be huge, but the fact that there are literally thousands of American expats here means it's too large to be a single community. Some people really love it here, others don't. It's big enough that you're going to see all kinds of morale. - Aug 2015

Large expat community and morale seems high. - Sep 2014

Embassy alone has a mission of over 500 Americans. Morale of most is high, but harder for singles. - Dec 2013

Like all places, it depends on the person. We have had a great time. - Nov 2013

Large, I'm not great with numbers but it's a big post. - Aug 2013

Very large. Many Americans and Australians, Japanese and Koreans are based in the Philippines. - Apr 2013

Huge. The embassy itself is massive, and there are tons of Americans living here in the Philippines. - Feb 2013

Fairly big. - Sep 2012

Huge. - May 2012

Large, but depends where you live (lots in Makati/Fort, not so much in other areas). - Mar 2012

LARGE. Lots of military guys retired here. - Jan 2012

Very large. Due to the former military bases, there are lots of retired military personnel. The Philippines also has a large immigrant population in the US, so there are also lots of Filipino-Americans who moved back to the Phil. - Jul 2011

Very large (ADB, multiple embassies, WorldBank, aid agencies & NGOs.) - May 2011

Huge. - May 2011

Large. - Feb 2010

Large..many Americans with Embassy, ADB, or other banks, telecom centers etc. Lots of Canadian, British, Australian, New Zealand, etc. - Jan 2010

Huge! There are hundreds of thousands of expats in the Philippines, particularly those affiliated with embassies and U.S. retired military. The U.S. Embassy here is our fourth largest in the world, I believe. - Jul 2009

Pretty huge. - Apr 2009

Very large. - Jun 2008

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