Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

Would someone with physical disabilities have difficulties living in this city?

Not within the sanitized Makati or BGC bubbles, but outside, absolutely. Travel out of Manila and into the provinces would also be very challenging. - Jan 2025

Having physical disabilities would be tough compared to the US. There are handicapped sidewalks but not all. Escalators don’t work all the time and elevators are not widespread. - Jul 2024

Yes. Modern areas like BGC and Makati have some amount of accessible infrastructure, but the rest of the country is highly inaccessible. Even without physical disabilities, most of the city sidewalks are nearly impassable. - Jul 2024

A little. There are not the same options as in the US, and many buildings seem to be non-ADA compliant. That being said, it's much more facilitated than other countries. - Jun 2024

Yeah, I'd suppose so. There's pretty poor infrastructure, even in brand new areas. - Jun 2024

No - Apr 2024

Yes. There are stairs with no elevators everywhere. Sometimes there are no sidewalks and when there are, there are no curb cuts. - Mar 2023

Yes, walking space is limited, and not all areas have ramps or elevators. Most malls are wheelchair accessible though. - Mar 2023

Like almost anywhere in the Philippines, yes. That being said, I have actually seen a few expats in wheelchairs who seem to do alright. - May 2022

I would say yes. Many pavements are uneven, even in the nice areas. There are some ramps for curbs but not universal. - Apr 2021

Yes. Generally Filipinos are very tolerant of people with disabilities, but facilities are not designed to accommodate the disabled. This city is not walkable, much less wheelchair-accessible. - Oct 2020

BGC and Makati would be okay, but some other places in Manila might be rough to get around. - Feb 2020

Yes, but they would not be insurmountable. Just by pushing a stroller around there are lots of places that I could see someone getting into a jam. - May 2018

Aside from the Embassy compound, and the nicer parts of Makati/BGC, this would be a hard place for someone with physical disabilities. Sidewalks, ramps, and elevators are rare, and the roads aren’t very kind to pedestrians. - Feb 2017

Someone with disabilities would have a tough time here. Accomodation is limited, and rare outside Manila. Post has done a lot of research on this topic. Consider reaching out if you have questions. - Jul 2016

Yes, would not recommend. Sidewalks are almost nonexistent, and if there are in place they are not handicap accessible. - Jan 2016

Absolutely. Sidewalks are broken or nonexistent in many parts of the city, and elevators, where they exist, are often out of service. - Jan 2016

Yes and no. It depends, however Philippines is handicap friendly. - Sep 2015

Yes, there are few sidewalks outside of the Fort. - Aug 2015

I would guess it would be very hard. The expensive malls have some accommodations but it's erratic. There are wheelchair ramps that appear to be very steep to me. There are steps where you wouldn't expect them. - Aug 2015

I am an above-knee amputee who wears a prosthetic leg, and I get around well, but i do have to be careful of sidewalks that are usually in poor condition. For anyone who is wheelchair-bound, they would only be able to have limited movement from a vehicle directly to a home or business - it would be a big challenge. - Jan 2014

Many. - Nov 2013

The sidewalks are small, we never bothered getting a stroller because we knew it wouldn't be of much use in Manila. I think getting around with a wheelchair would be very difficult, lots of places have stairs with no ramps and in Makati the only way to cross the major streets is to take stairs down into the tunnel under the road. - Aug 2013

It is difficult. Not wheelchair accessible. - Apr 2013

It's impossible to walk anywhere anyway, so the disabled, like the abled, would need to rely on cars. - Feb 2013

Within Makati, BGC & Rockwell there are not many problems, but other areas of Manila are lacking in sidewalks, escalators, elevators, etc. - Sep 2012

Immense! This is not a walkable city for the able-bodied unless you enjoy breathing smog, sweating, and dodging vehicles. Most people (I don't know of anyone!) won’t drive their own cars and opt to hire drivers. So if you wouldn’t drive your own car, imagine walking for an able-bodied -- not to mention a disabled -- person! - May 2012

Hard. Sidewalks don't have ramps, and not every place even has sidewalks, and when they do, is not unusual to have a pole or a tree in the middle of it (a wheelchair would not fit).Makati is full of underpasses with stairs, no ramps, and no other way to cross the street. It is not a disability-friendly town. - Mar 2012

A lot. I've personally experienced this. I was hospitalized for a disc problem in my back and lost partial feeling in my leg and foot. I required a cane to get around for a while. I had a VERY hard time in the city getting around. Areas like the Fort and Makati are built up enough to be handicap accessible, but the rest are not. - Jan 2012

A lot. The sidewalks are crumbling. Ramps to buildings are non-existent in most areas outside of Makati and Fort Bonifacio. A helper would need be needed to assist with movement. - Jul 2011

Buildings are not wheelchair accessible -- some have ramps and elevators, but generally very difficult to get around. Only method of public transportation that one could use is taxis and they generally aren't accommodating. Sidewalks (if there are any) are generally poorly maintained and uneven. - May 2011

A lot. Don't do it. - May 2011

It is not easy to be disabled in the Philippines. Very few facilities are adapted for wheelchairs, and the sidewalks are horrendous. Think twice about coming here if you need handicap accessible facilities. - Feb 2010

I don't think this would be a easy city for a disabled person to navigate. I have a brother who is physically challenged that I think would have a hard time here even with his scooter. Easier because you can hire the personal help or have your driver take you places, but when trying to just navigate a stroller it is difficult because sidewalks just suddenly end or you can't get a door open. - Jan 2010

Manila is not at all friendly toward those with physical disabilities, in the sense that sidewalks and buildings are not equipped. With that said, domestic help is very inexpensive and you could hire a nurse, maid, or driver to get you around. - Jul 2009

Depends on how active they wanted to be. If you want to get out a lot, there are only so many places you can go. If you want to stay in this is a great place because you can get a lot of good and affordable help. - Apr 2009

Manila and its buildings are not designed to accommodate people with physical disabilities (or even strollers/prams!). However, since household help is inexpensive, a live-in companion can be easily arranged to make things a bit easier. - Jun 2008

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