Manila - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there any particular mental health issues that tend to crop up at post, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter blues)?
A lot of burnout due to stress and low morale. - Jan 2025
Haven’t seen particular mental health issues but most people get out of the city every couple of months to outlying areas or other islands. - Jul 2024
Manila wears on people. Between the inescapable crowds, never-ending traffic, and frantic pace of work, it can really take a toll on people. - Jul 2024
No - Apr 2024
Not to my knowledge. It's mostly hot (humid) and sunny here. - Mar 2023
The pandemic lockdown was rather long in Manila and had a hard effect on embassy morale, particularly those with children. Things appear to have improved with the lifting of restrictions. - Mar 2023
It gets way, way too hot from March-May. It is easy to party too much and fall off the deep end. I've heard that many expats die of alcohol-related illnesses. - May 2022
in these days of Covid, there has been a tremendous amount of anxiety and depression among adults and children. The country has never lifted all restrictions which has technically allowed children out very little. For instance, since March 2020, my children have only been able to enter a store or a restaurant for about six weeks. That means no haircuts or trying on clothes. They are often prohibited from going outside for exercise, even after the early lockdowns. - Apr 2021
I don't think Winter Blues are an issue here. There is no winter. There is hot and rainy, and hot and less rainy. My Winter Blues are the fact that in the Philippines, Christmas season starts on Labor Day. So every time you go to the grocery store between September and January, expect to hear "Winter Wonderland" when it's burning 98 degrees outside. - Oct 2020
I get anxious because of the traffic. The Philippines is a very busy place. Lots of people. Filipinos are very friendly and like activity. It can be a bit overwhelming for me because I like peace and quiet and there is rarely that here. - Feb 2020
None, aside from what you’d expect from living in the overcrowded capital of a developing country. - Feb 2017
Not that we know of. It may seem counterintuitive but isolation can be a problem. Traffic is bad enough that you will generally only socialize with those in your neighborhood. Singles and socialites should lobby hard for Makati or the Fort. - Jul 2016