Malabo - Post Report Question and Answers

How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?

If you plan to be outside the Embassy community, you need Spanish for everything. Unaware of local training. - Apr 2021

Spanish is necessary. You could find affordable teachers. - Apr 2021

You have your choice of Spanish--the primary official language--or French.  Many people will understand English, especially other expats, at stores like Martinez Hermanos (grocery) who manage the operations. Locals will appreciate your attempts at Spanish.  Remember that it is Castilian Spanish (in vocabulary, and without a strong lisp), not Mexican Spanish. Find a good program to learn basic phrases, and get an app on your phone that functions offline. - Jul 2020

You need to know basic words in Spanish. Yes, and post offers language classes in Spanish, English for local staff and EFMs who need it, as well as French, the second official language. - Aug 2017

If you never leave the compound, none. Many of the local restaurants also have wait staff who speak English. That being said, some basic Spanish always helps around town, and especially if you ever get stopped by the police. - Sep 2014

Of course, knowing Spanish helps. Strangely, though, many locals don’t speak Spanish well, as they rely more on their tribal language or pidgin English. Knowing some French also comes in handy. - Jun 2012

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