Hamilton - Post Report Question and Answers

Are local buses, trams, trains or taxis safe and affordable?

Buses and taxis are very safe but not reliable; buses rarely come on time and taxis can also be hit or miss. A taxi driver may refuse to take you to a destination that is "too far" (note, on a 21 sq mile island nothing is very far!) or may not show up- this happened to me a couple of times going to the airport, and I almost missed my flight. - Jun 2019

There is a bus system, but it is not very reliable. Sometimes the bus just doesn't show up. Taxis are very expensive. Buses and taxis, like everything in Bermuda, are very safe. - Dec 2018

Buses, ferries and taxis here (no trains) are very safe. (Unless the ferry operator is drunk* :) ) They're relatively affordable - but nothing here is cheap. *There was one incident in Bermuda while I lived there - no one was hurt - Oct 2009

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