Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
What do people who suffer from environmental or food allergies need to know?
Everything has shrimp or shrimp paste so be wary of what you eat if you have a shellfish allergy. - Mar 2025
I think being able to clarify your allergies in Thai would be helpful for eating out. The Thai people are very considerate so I think they'd certainly make an attempt to make sure your food was safe. As far as environmental allergies, I wouldn't say you'd need to do anything different than you do elsewhere. - Feb 2025
See above re: air quality. - Feb 2023
Thais are very sensitive to people food allergies and take them very seriously at almost all restaurants. - Jan 2023
I have grass/hay allergies on the East Coast (USA) and haven't had a single problem in Bangkok. On the other hand, I know colleagues who never had allergies in the United States but find themselves allergic to something here (maybe a local mold or grass?). In any case, besides seasonal pollution, I don't think Bangkok is particularly of concern for people with environmental allergies, but take your usual precautions. For food allergies, you may have to avoid (or be very careful about) local Thai food, which liberally includes peanuts and shellfish. Western (and higher-end) restaurants are much more diligent about catering to those with food allergies. Many international schools tries to maintain nut-free cafeterias for students. - May 2022
Most Thai restaurants don't understand food allergies so be careful or just don't eat out. - Jun 2018