Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
What is the typical dress code at work and in public places? Is formal dress ever required?
Business casual at work. Casual outside of work. It is very hot year round and that makes dressing up difficult. - Mar 2025
Dress for work I'm sure largely depends on your role. My husband wears slacks and a button down most days, rarely a tie or jacket. In public, I'd say there are no restrictions on what you want to wear. - Feb 2025
Business casual or business suits. despite the high heat year round, it's a relatively conservative culture in many ways, to include their business attire. - Feb 2023
Rarely is it formal, only a few zealots wear ties. However, shorts are never acceptable in a business setting, and I would say are not acceptable in decent restaurants. Almost every man will get some suits and slacks made at the incredible tailors here in Bangkok. No need to invest a ton in clothes before coming out here. - Jan 2023
In most embassies / corporate environments, somewhere between business casual and full suit is the norm. Official government meetings are usually conducted with business dress code. Outside of work settings, dress is much more casual: shorts/jeans and t-shirts or polos are the norm going around town off work, but, as in many countries, host nation residents seem to be better dressed than expats a lot of the time. Bangkok is not a conservative country fashion-wise so you will not feel out of place showing some skin; many Thais do. One major exception: You have to cover up visiting Buddhist temples, and they enforce modesty rules more strictly for women than men. You might want to have at least one tux or formal gown for the Marine ball or one of the other formals that pop up around the expat circuit. If you don't have a tux or gown, well you're in luck: Bangkok has a huge tailor/fashion scene and it's affordable to get something custom made for the same price that something nice off the rack might be in the United States. - May 2022
Business casual. - Aug 2019
Relaxed due to the heat and humidity here. Dress up for formal meetings, etc. - Jun 2018
Thais dress very well, especially in business settings. The oppressive heat makes this a challenge. - Apr 2017
Business casual to business formal depending on any public appearances that day. Men can usually get away without jackets/ties simply because of the heat. - Nov 2016
It's hot, so nobody really wears suits. - Aug 2015
Pretty relaxed, but usually a button down shirt and slacks for men, woman would generally be expected to wear a blouse and a skirt. - Aug 2014
Very similar to what you may find in DC in the summer months - from the tacky to the very hot business blue suit and tie. - May 2014
Reasonable, taking into account the heat. You must cover shoulders and legs when you enter a temple. But everywhere else, anything goes. - Jul 2013
I wear a tie during the week, except for casual Fridays or during the three/four warmest months: Smart Casual. - Jun 2013
Thais dress to impress and I found myself dressing a little more when going out of the house. Nothing crazy though. - Oct 2011
Shirt and tie are standard. I don't think many places expect you to wear a jacket. - Aug 2011
Business to business-casual. I wear a tie most days but no jacket. - Jul 2011
Whatever you wish. Flip flops and sun dress or shorts at Nichada, your best Prada for Siam Paragon downtown and everything in between. - Feb 2011
Varies, but professional or casual professional. You see a lot of Thai women wearing high heels even on the terrible sidewalks. Not a lot of tank tops and shorts except among the tourists. - May 2010
in public--whatever you want to wear - Jan 2010
Business casual. Men: for the most part, you're off the hook with regard to wearing a blazer/sports coat, given the heat. A shirt and tie almost always suffice. And for the ladies: thank heaven, NO pantyhose! - Jul 2009
Dress casual. thais are fashion conscious. - Apr 2009
Wear long pants. Dress smart casual for most occasions and you'll be fine. - Feb 2009