Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
Is it easy to make friends with locals here? Are there any prejudices or any ethnic groups who might feel uncomfortable here?
It is very easy to be friendly but if you do not have any Thai language it will be difficult to make friends. - Mar 2025
Sure! Thai people are very friendly and I don't think there would be problems making local friends if you wanted to! - Feb 2025
Well, because of the high income disparity (i.e., lots of locals are either poor or rich, not a high middle class), it might be a challenge to make close friends, but not impossible. Also, lots of expats from many countries are here and ready to socialize. - Feb 2023
Thais are famously friendly, and I have always found them to be so. - Jan 2023
In general, yes. Thailand has a fairly large segment of internationally educated professionals who mingle with (and marry) expats frequently. More "local" Thais who don't speak English are still very friendly and welcoming, but it might be hard to connect with them if you don't speak decent Thai. There is some discrimination against people with darker skin, especially if you are a refugee or migrant, police harassment can happen, but there are plenty of people of color in the expat community. I don't think Thailand (like much of the world, honestly) has the same culture of political correctness when it comes to race and ethnicity that the United States has, so keep your expectations accordingly. If you are of East Asian (or even South Asian) descent you will feel like you blend right in, and Thai people will be even warmer and familial to you, which can be quite freeing and enjoyable. - May 2022
Yes. - Aug 2019