Baghdad - Post Report Question and Answers

What are some typical ways to socialize, either with local people or with other expatriates? Are there groups or clubs that you can recommend?

Fitness classes, trivia, wiffle ball, frisbee, volley ball, tennis, knitting, cooking. The Community Liaison Office (CLO) does a great job. Find an exercise partner. Movies. - Apr 2019

Plenty of opportunities to blow off steam in productive and unproductive ways. You can definitely make bad decisions here. Or you can get in shape, get paid, and get out. - Jul 2018

Game nights, karaoke, dancing, talent shows, plays. - Feb 2014

Drinking, going to the gym, going to events at other embassies in the IZ. - Jan 2014

Lots of clubs, Baghdaddy's, the gym, the corniche, the pool... you can always go to DoJo's at the UNAMI compound or the al-Rasheed hotel to get out for dinner, if you can get Motorpool to take you. - Jan 2013

Baghdaddies or parties at other embassies...Or, if you are higher on the food chain, representative events, from what I hear. - Nov 2011

Drinking. Sometimes you go to parties at someone's SDA, but they're so small it's kind of freakish. People have barbeques outside of the REC center - Sep 2010

It's possible to be social and have fun, but it is far from being the best Post in the world to be a single male. - Aug 2008

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