Kuwait City - Post Report Question and Answers
Morale among expats:
It really, really depends. - May 2013
Some are frustrated, but it's all about making a decision to laugh off the frustrating things and embrace the good. - Feb 2013
Neutral. - Jan 2013
Poor. Unfortunately, many people come to Kuwait expecting it to be Dubai, which it is not. Kuwait also attracts a lot of expats on their first overseas tour, who often aren't prepared for cross cultural living. The Western veneer of Kuwait hides a very Arab city at heart. - May 2012
There is a split between those who love it here and those who hate it. Generally, I think people cope well with Kuwait. We have good days and bad days, but mostly we just go with the flow and try not to let the hard things get us down, and work at finding the neat things to do. - May 2012
The morale of those who have been there a while is pretty high because they are plugged into their community. It depends on how easily you make friends, and if you find people you click with. - Jan 2012
Again, if you try to be social (and open minded) there are lots of activities and events going on. Of course, there are the people who complain (they probably did the same thing at their home country). Some people just leave the country every chance they get, because flights are cheap. - Jul 2010
It has its ups and downs. - Jul 2010
Medium. It's not the hardest place to live but it's not what I would call - Jul 2008
Fairly low because there is nothing to do here and it's an ugly country. I've never met anyone who truly enjoys living here. Everyone just tolerates it. - Jun 2008