Yaounde - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

There are roughly two hundred U.S. expats, but they are split in the city. - Jan 2025

It is hard to say about the size. We have found the expats here to be great, a nice and welcoming community. - Jan 2020

Expat community is relatively large. Morale varies with whom you speak. - Jun 2018

The expatriate community isn't huge, but it's concentrated, so you see most all of them. Morale varies but is pretty good on the whole. Yaounde isn't exactly nice in the traditional sense, but it's very livable once you get used to it and can be very enjoyable if you don't expect Manhattan. - Apr 2017

75 U.S. direct Hires and there is a good esprit de corp. CLO arranges a lot of events to keep morale high. - Apr 2014

The size of the expat community is small to moderate, but there are some awesome people there. Lots of Germans and French. - Jan 2014

Not very big in comparison to other countries. - May 2012

Fairly small. - Sep 2011

The diplomatic and NGO community is good-sized and you'll meet a lot of people if you have kids at ASOY.There is also a very large community of American and European missionaries. - Mar 2010

There is a large Francophone expat community and a small Anglophone one. The two do not mix and the anglophone community is tight knit due to mutual suffering! - Jan 2010

Fairly small. Most embassies are here with few expats, but there are a lot of countries represented. - Nov 2008

A few hundred. - Sep 2008

It's large in Yaounde and Douala, as there are many NGOs and other Embassies. - Jun 2008

Small, mainly diplomatic or French business-related. Douala is the economic capital and has a much busier expat environment. - Jun 2008

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