Yaounde - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for single people? For couples? For families? Why or why not?

This post is okay for families if you enjoy spending so much time at home. There are no parks, amusement parks, water parks, theaters, or places for kinds to play safely outside. Nevertheless, we did may playground for kids under five and rotated around houses. - Jan 2025

I can speak for families and say there are pros and cons. A big pro is that our family has spent more time together here - finding things to do when internet/electricity is spotty has meant lots of reading together and game nights. Or spending days by the embassy pool/playground. My younger kids have lots of sleepovers with friends. And the people here right now are really great - very welcoming. It is also a very challenging place for us, mostly because it is struggling so much under country that does not feel invested in. Besides the activities that others are planning - like hiking groups - there is very little for us to do. Coming from Guangzhou, China, we miss having outdoor public spaces - either within a city or parks of any kind - to spend time. We miss having places to go and spend time outside of our homes/schools/embassy. We have combated this feeling by planning trips every few months. Kribi beach is a beautiful place to escape that is about a four hour drive. - Jan 2020

It's probably best for families with small kids and couples. Many singles are happy, but some are not if they want Western dating opportunities, as that market gets small quickly. Older kids would currently have relatively few peers. - Apr 2017

It's much easier for families than singles. - Apr 2014

Great city for families. The embassy community and morale was really high while we were there, so it seemed to me that singles and couples did well too. Lots of get together's and BBQs that included all. Not a lot of outside entertainment (no movie theaters, bowling, etc), so if you're cool with gatherings with friends and your own hobbies, then you'll be fine. - Jan 2014

Not for families. It is not child-friendly. There are no parks; playgrounds are connected to businesses that charge for use of OLD rides, many which are not safe; limited sidewalks makes going for a walk a problem depending on neighborhood; apartments do not have areas for children to play; water IS A HUGE PROBLEM (we are on 4 days of NO water, no one reminds you to get water storage containers); home owners/building managers/realtors do not tell you that it is on you to install mosquito screens or water filters or water storage tanks for rentals that do not include it; when you rent you have to register in your name and will need a map showing the address, a receipt of a previous bill, and an authorized letter for the transfer of services to your name; restaurants; single person may get pretty lonely unless they have friends and wheels. - May 2012

Singles, especially women, will die a slow social death. At the US Embassy, the Marines create many activities (and you can be old and still fit in fine!), including happy hours and intermural type Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball. There's a club scene of sorts and some good restaurants, but not a lot of choices. Men can date beautiful Cameroonian women, but I don't think it's as easy for expat women to find Cameroonian men they want to date. For American Embassy folks, there's stuff to do together including well-organized weekend trips, but it gets tiring doing things with the same people. - Sep 2011

Families with small children who are easily amused do well here, but I can't answer to the singles or couples scene. However, families with teens find it very difficult to stay satisfied. There are just so few outlets for teenagers outside of the club scene. The school does a good job of offering sports and after-school activities, but when kids want to go out and socialize on weekends, it is mostly at each other's homes or a local coffee shop because there are no malls or movie theaters or the like in town. But if you have adventurous children who love the great outdoors, then this isn't such a bad spot. - Mar 2010

Great for families with small children. Though Cameroonian women and men are very aggressive. Without exagerating I have seen 6 couples come here married and leave divorced, due to infadelity on both sides. Singles also have a decent time, especially men. Francophone individuals will have a much better social scene. - Jan 2010

This is definitely a great post for families. Singles may find it hard to adjust as there isn't a lot to do after work hours unless you can entertain yourself. Couples should do fine. - Nov 2008

Very good for families - especially with younger kids - singles have limited nightlife, though the adventuring possibilities around the country are fabulous. - Sep 2008

The family is good for families/couples, but not really singles. The dating scene is VERY limited and the single expats had noticeably more difficult times. Travel in/out to nice vacation spots is expensive and time consumming. - Jun 2008

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