Nicosia - Post Report Question and Answers
What is the overall climate: is it extremely hot or cold, wet or dry, at any time of year, for example?
It's extremely hot in the summer, really from late April through mid October. The rest of the year is very mild and occasionally rainy. The summers are long and brutal though. - Jan 2025
From the end of May to end of June, the temperatures run just under 40C. Nicosia is a big concrete block and too inland for sea breeze, so it is sweltering there. Anywhere along the coast is preferable, and this is a particularly good time of year to head for the mountains, where it is cooler due to elevation. In the winter, the temperature gets down to around 5C - I think we saw ice on puddles once. However, houses are generally not well insulated and are engineered towards cooling, not heating, so don't forget to bring sweaters despite Cyprus's reputation as an oven. During the winter, it can rain almost every day, so bring the umbrella and some boots. - Aug 2022
Summers (June-September) are hot and it will never rain. Winters (November-March) are wet. - Aug 2022
It is hot and dry with very little rain. Beaches can be quite humid. - Jul 2013
Summer is hot -- perfect for the beach. Winter temps are mild, with the low during the day in the forties.. - Jun 2011
Cyprus is, as you would imagine, hot and dry. While the weather reports will never indicate anything higher than the low 90's, in the summer the temerature is often well over 100 degrees.(This is done so the law requiring outdoor workers to stop working in excessive heat won't kick in).The spring and fall are great and you can easily enjoy the beaches between April and October. Winters are mild, although the Troodos does see some snow and there will always be a few weekends that allow for skiing. Generally, it rains heavily only one month of the year, most often February. - Dec 2009
Hot, hot, hot in the summer which seemed to last forever. The spring is beautiful but too short. The winters here are mild, you will need a light coat. - May 2008