Lagos - Post Report Question and Answers
Are local buses, trams, trains or taxis safe and affordable?
No, diplomats are not allowed to use public transportation due to safety. - Mar 2024
I don't use public transportation. Some people use Uber effectively. - Aug 2020
Mission staff are not permitted to use local transportation. - Jul 2020
Affordable but not allowed. - Jun 2019
No. - Aug 2018
Consulate staff are not allowed to take them. This is a self-drive and Motorpool only post. There is a limited area in which we are allowed to drive without prior RSO approval. Also, we take a boat to/from work. - Mar 2018
Consulate staff are not allowed to use public transportation, including Uber. You are literally risking your life if you do it. - May 2016
Nope. They're off limits in all circumstances. Local staff get robbed in fake cabs or buses routinely. - Nov 2015
Taxis are available everywhere, but you have to be careful and study the driver. Trains and buses are available,cheap but off limits to expats and diplomats. - Dec 2011
Affordable, yes. Safe or recommended, no. Large buses are not allowed on the islands owing to congestion; only minibuses. - Sep 2008
No public transportation. Motorcycles are avaliable for rides, but no one I know would DREAM on getting one for the fear of never being seen or heard from again. - May 2008