Kabul - Post Report Question and Answers

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I thought I would have more of a sense of accomplishment for the work I have done here but a lot of it feels pointless and a waste of time and money. I am paying my dues by doing this assignment but I don't feel like I was able to make a positive contribution like I was at other posts. - Jul 2019

Kabul is unquestionably a challenging post. However, the close friendships, the interesting work, the heightened pay, and the adventure have made it a worthwhile post for me. I would do it again, but the fatigue and stress are a constant challenge. - Jun 2014

If you're on the fence, keep in mind that when the US troops withdraw, security is likely to become an even greater issue. - Jul 2013

I would look to the I or P of AIP if you have to do a tour in this region. Herat is also significantly nicer from what I hear. This place has all the bureaucracy of Washington, DC, but it is in the middle of a war zone. - Mar 2013

This place can be tough for some and boring for others but it's really not so bad. If I didn't have a family waiting for me back in the U.S. I would have signed up for a second year without a doubt. I think the main issue most folks have here is the poor sense of leadership and management coming from our FIVE, yes, FIVE Ambassadors. Morale could be a lot better but they tend to squash anything and everything that could make it that way. I would say for the most part none of them really care one bit about the folks serving here but only about their own careers and their onward assignments. Shame really - but I'm sure it's like that at a lot of posts. - Dec 2010

Beneath the crowds and poverty, Kabul is really worth getting to know. Get into it! - Aug 2010

Take all your breaks out of here. It is good for moral for everyone to take their leaves. Living on a compound is tough and can be similar to middle school gossip. - Mar 2008

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