Bratislava - Post Report Question and Answers

How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?

I was surprised but many people speak English. I have not had any issues. Local language tutors are available and affordable. - May 2021

I try to use 10-15 expressions. Slovaks are easy to deal with--transactional and polite. - Aug 2017

I learned a little Slovak when I first go to post and it was helpful when out shopping or in restaurants. Generally in Bratislava you will find people who speak English. Outside of the city, in the villages you wont have as much English. - Jun 2017

If you dont speak Slovak, try English or German. - Feb 2017

It's helpful to have some Slovak. Often people working in grocery stores (or other shops) and restaurants don't speak any English. - Sep 2016

You can get by pretty well with almost no knowledge of Slovak. It's nice to know it and sometimes helps if a waiter forgets to bring an English language menu, but in most places people in service jobs speak at least some English. Many people here also speak German. - Jun 2015

English is getting to be pretty common in Bratislava, especially among the younger people. Most servers in restaurants speak english because tour groups are so common. Some Slovak skills would be helpful on trips around the country. - Dec 2009

None - most speak English at a very good level. - Apr 2010

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