Hanoi - Post Report Question and Answers
Travel time and best routes to this city from Europe or the US:
Via Tokyo or Seoul to the U.S. - Feb 2009
Connections to/from Hanoi are very limited with over 80% of international air traffic taking place through Ho Chi Minh City. From the the east coast of the U.S. to Hanoi is about 28 hours total travel time including lay-overs. Most common routes from Hanoi to the U.S. are via Seoul or Tokyo. Flightss leave Hanoi at mid-night and 1 a.m. with early morning arrival in Japan and South Korea. Lay-overs in Tokyo can be 8-12 hours and Seoul are about 5 hours. Flights back to Hanoi generally arrive late in the evening. Some fly through Bangkok but this requires an overnight stay in Bangkok before connecting to Tokyo. Flights through Hong Kong and Taipei are also available but due to lack of competetion are expensive and often cost as much as a ticket to the U.S. or Europe. - Sep 2008
20+ hours regardless of which direction you go or what city in the U.S. you go to. You can gateway through Tokyo, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Korea or Taiwan. - May 2008