Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.

It's pretty safe, just stay away from downtown at night. - Jun 2024

Terrorism. - Aug 2023

Just what goes with a typical city. - Feb 2022

None, safest I've ever felt. - Oct 2021

Pick pockets during market time is big some drug use near larger train stations can be seen like any major city. - Mar 2020

Terrorist threat has been elevated. Remain vigilant. Daily crime, very low. Teens have a lot of freedom in Frankfurt. - Mar 2020

I found Frankfurt to be an extremely safe city. With good awareness, you can go just about anywhere. I was comfortable letting my son go to the city center at 15 as long as he had his phone and was with friends. - Feb 2020

Not very serious concerns although security incidents do seem to be increasing. - Sep 2019

Not really. It is a city, if a small one. You should bring your city awareness. I felt comfortable letting my 14-16 yo son out with friends as long as they kept their cell phones on. - Apr 2019

Just the normal pickpocketing and other nuisances of being in Europe. ISIS has staged attacks across Europe but none so far in Frankfurt. - Jan 2017

Not really. I feel quite safe here. Europe's been a bit more on edge in the last year or so with the recent attacks in Brussels, Paris, Munich, etc., but I haven't really noticed a change in day-to-day activities. - Aug 2016

no - Feb 2016

No - Dec 2015

No, this is a very safe city. - Jun 2014

No. The German Police are very effective at keeping the crime in check. My kids go everywhere on their own by train and public transportation. You can see 6-8 year old kids on the buses alone all of the time. There ARE pick-pockets though. I did get pick-pocketed by a Roma but if you are aware of the Roma pick-pockets and are not stupid about it (like I was when I bought earrings from a Roma silver dealer only to have them stolen a few minutes later without knowing about it until much later!!)...anyway...just use common sense. - Mar 2014

Petty theft and other usual big city problems. - Nov 2013

No. - Apr 2012

Germany is very safe. - Mar 2012

Not really that I can think of. Frankfurt is ranked as having one of the highest crime rates in Germany. This is not entirely true since those crime statistics include the airport which: a) isn't in Frankfurt, and b) are crimes such as smuggling that wouldn't affect the day-to-day life of the ordinary citizen. - Oct 2011

Nope. Germany is very safe, especially compared to most US cities. - Jul 2010

Almost none. Much safer than most American cities. - Jul 2008

It's similar to any major city. A bit safer than DC for example, less crime, break-ins but more demonstrations. - Feb 2008

Most consulate employees live in same apartment complex which is not walled off but has roaming guards and the central street is only open to residents with an ID. Police aren't too concerned with drug use (just drug dealing). Violent crime seems low. - Jan 2008

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