Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

Knowing what you know now, would you still move to this city?

No. Not a chance. - Jun 2024

We would probably low-rank Frankfurt in the future almost entirely because of the housing situation. - Aug 2023

Absolutely not. - Oct 2022

Yes, but I would live off-Siedlung. - Feb 2022

Yes. - Oct 2021

Without a doubt. - Sep 2020

I would still come here. This is an amazing city. - Mar 2020

No. - Mar 2020

Why are you offering? I'd move back in a heartbeat. - Feb 2020

It's hard to say. Most of the experience has been good but coming home to an apartment that's too small for our family and only one bathroom is always a downer. The lack of a guest bedroom for family and friends to visit has made the whole European tour experience less than it could have been. - Sep 2019

Absolutely. - Apr 2019

Yes. - Sep 2017

Yes, only I would have had a baby before coming. - Jan 2017

Yes. - Aug 2016

In a heartbeat. I'll be sad to leave. - Feb 2016

Absolutely - Dec 2015

Absolutely! When can an American actually live in Europe?? It is a blessing and a privledge to be able to live and work here. - Mar 2014

Absolutely, I loved my tour. - Nov 2013

Yes. - Mar 2012

Absolutely not. - Oct 2011

No, no, no. Not with the compound living. If I was downtown or in a nicer suburb (there are tons of nicer suburbs with townhouses all over Frankfurt), then yes. But with the compound, I will never come back. - Jul 2010

I'll be back soon! - Jul 2008

Yes. - Feb 2008

Yes. - Jan 2008

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